If there are two expressions, then the second part of the defined expression is not evaluated if the first part of the defined expression is false or 0. They have a different working principle as compared to normal & operator in Matlab. Like Logical OR operator, logical AND operator can also be used in the short-circuiting principle. They can be of the same size or a different size. The inputs or operands can be vectors, scalar, matrix or multi-dimensional array.

The second and sixth element of both arrays has 1 so the resulting output is 1 while rest other combinations have 0, so the resulting output is 0. If we use AND operator between two arrays then, if both the elements are true in the above two arrays, it results in True or 1. In the above example, the first and second array consists of an array of 0 and 1.

Please find the below example to understand how AND operator works: Examples of Matlab AND Operatorīelow are the examples of Matlab AND Operator: Example #1 So, it’s better to define the operator using C&D format in Matlab. It can also be defined as ‘ and (C, D)’ but this syntax is used rarely because of operator overloading issues. In Matlab, we can use logical AND operator by defining as C&D. Similarly, if the operands are true or 1 then the resulting output is true or 1. C and D are 0 or false the resulting output is false or 0. Hadoop, Data Science, Statistics & othersĪccording to the above table, when any of the operands i.e. Please find the below truth table to see the output for different combinations of input signals. Logical AND operator results in 0/1 or True/False based on the type of signals that we provide to the input. In Matlab, logical operators function in a similar way as in other programming languages. If a particular condition is false, then it results in 0 else 1. Three types of logical operators are used in any programming language i.e. They can be used to check the number of zeroes in an array or any conditional statement if it matches a particular requirement. They are very easy to use and to understand the flow of any program. Logical operators control the execution of program flow according to conditions that result from a set of expressions. In this article, we will see an outline on Matlab AND Operator.